Performance at the Fine Arts Center featuring a traditional Chinese dragon dance
Giving Opportunities

Fine Arts Center

The Fine Arts Center ignites creativity on campus, fosters critical thinking about the most critical issues of our times, and enriches the lives of students and community members alike.

Building a thriving arts community in the Pioneer Valley

The Fine Arts Center supports the best in contemporary arts and culture to foster awareness of and respect for the diversity of the world in which we live.

The center also emphasizes the benefits of arts-based learning through artist residencies, partnerships with academic departments, student-centered grants, and community educational programs.

Our vision

Encouraging creative exploration and innovation

The creative arts inspire, connect, and challenge people, fostering empathy, critical thinking, and a better understanding of diverse experiences, perspectives, traditions, and values. Donor support for the Fine Arts Center will boost its capacity to catalyze artistic creation, appreciation, and education.

annual visitors
educational activities and programs per year
projects funded by the UMass Arts Council

Initiatives for the Fine Arts Center

Frederick C. Tillis Performance Hall Renovation

Making necessary upgrades to the largest stage west of Worcester will ensure that our campus and community can continue to host world-class performances and large-scale international touring productions.

Hampden Gallery Incubator

Adding a makerspace and lab to this creative hub—situated in the University’s largest residential complex—will provide students with exposure to leading artists and hands-on experience in shaping new works and exhibitions.

Revamping the University Museum of Contemporary Art

A state-of-the-art home for this museum will protect and display its 3,500-piece public art collection and provide space for students and community members to engage in research and learning connected to these works.

Artist-in-residence endowments

Support for the Fine Arts Center’s residency program will foster a vibrant community of world-class artists collaborating with UMass Amherst faculty and students.

Student support endowment

The Fine Arts Center provides students with the resources they need to explore their creative potential. A student-support endowment will ensure that all students have access to the center’s growing suite of arts education programs.

“I think we have a tremendous opportunity as a research university to be at the forefront of the arts through strategic partnerships with schools and research groups on campus. ”

Jamilla Deria
Director, Fine Arts Center
 Jamilla Deria, Director, Fine Arts Center
Fine Arts Center Performances
Spotlight on The Global Arts Program

Enhancing student learning through the arts

Reaching 10,000 K-12 students annually, the Fine Arts Center's Global Arts program offers performances for schools that showcase international and national performing arts. Performances are chosen to meet the highest artistic standards and complement schools’ curricula.

Ready to learn more about the Fine Arts Center?