Commonwealth Honors College Graduates
Giving Opportunities

Commonwealth Honors College

UMass Amherst enables Commonwealth Honors College students to broaden their academic horizons and contribute original knowledge to their fields of study. Your support will open up the Honors College experience for more students.  

Building a national model of access and excellence 

Commonwealth Honors College is a diverse living and learning community of academically accomplished students who choose to participate in the Honors experience.  

With opportunities for deep intellectual engagement, intensive research, and leadership development, Honors College graduates become problem solvers, lifelong learners, and leaders in their fields. 

Our vision

Transforming lives through access to the Honors experience

Commonwealth Honors College is committed to expanding opportunity for a diverse range of students. Your investment in scholarships, faculty support, undergraduate research, and inclusive programming will enable talented students to fulfill their potential and make a difference in the world.   

Honors College students identifying as first-generation college students 
Honors College students identifying as students of color 
Average number of students in an Honors course 

Initiatives for Commonwealth Honors College

Scholarships for high-need students 

Many Honors College students make considerable sacrifices to afford their UMass education. Our goal is to provide full financial support to in-state Honors College students with the highest need so they can focus fully on their education. 

Emerging Scholars Program Endowment

Students from underrepresented backgrounds need mentoring and a sense of community to navigate the unfamiliar college environment. Support for the Emerging Scholars Program will ensure these students can thrive academically and personally. 

Student research and study abroad

High-impact learning opportunities outside the classroom expand student perspectives and feed their ambitions. Your support will make these life-changing experiences available to more students. 

Rotating endowed professorships

Honors College faculty are innovators and committed teachers. Your support for a rotating endowed professorship will allow faculty to submit proposals to develop novel approaches and practices for the benefit of Honors students.  

“The impact of my scholarship extends beyond its financial assistance. It serves as a source of inspiration, motivating me to excel academically and make a positive difference in the world.”

Valandy Pierre ’27
Commonwealth Honors College Emerging Scholars Scholarship, Coddington Scholarship
Valandy Pierre headshot

Campaign Progress: $7,000,000

Goal: $11.5M
Lilian Chukwurah
Spotlight on The Emerging Scholars Program

Learning how to thrive in a college environment 

The Emerging Scholars Residential Academic Program gives first-generation, under-represented, and under-resourced students the opportunity to settle into college life with peers, make connections across campus, and receive personalized academic advising and mentoring.  

Annaliese Bischoff
Spotlight on Honors College Scholarships

Opening the world to more students

Annaliese Bischoff, professor emerita of landscape architecture at UMass Amherst, created an Honors College scholarship for students with a demonstrated interest in the arts. Professor Bischoff previously served as an associate director, faculty advisor, and seminar teacher for the program.

Ready to learn more about the Commonwealth Honors College?